Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Attention: Crop-dusting Monday From 9:00 to 18:00

So far, this is my all time favorite. This notice appeared in Korean and English on dorm doors and elevators last Friday.

1.Residents who live on lower floor of building should close your window before you go out for crop-dusting!

2.Please excuse our visit as we disinfect your room even in your absence.

3. Also please remove some foods or put in refrigerator.

Translation (we think) - they're fumigating.

Nine o'clock Monday morning has come and gone. At 9:00 a message was played over the loudspeaker in our room, unfortuneately, said message was in Korean. Doug went off to the office and I obediently vacated the room for the day, but suspect the rain may have kept our "crop-dusters" away. I guess we won't know until workers come knocking on our door. We'll keep you informed.

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