Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What Color Would You LIke - Gray, Black, or White?

You'd like a new car? We've noticed the predominant colors here are those three. I'm guessing 90% at least. Every once in a while, a red or navy one appears, but not often (rebels, to be sure).It makes sense in a society where you want to be "part of the group". Such a difference from the US.
We've returned from a wonderful weekend with John and Alice E. in Seoul. Saturday morning we hopped on the "fast train" and 55 minutes later we were there. What would be a 3 hour drive by bus or car, hardly gave us time to get settled in our seats! Incredibly quiet, a train to Seoul arrives at the station about every 10 minutes or so, precisely when it's scheduled.You have a minute and five seconds to board the train and it's off once again! Doug and I were facing the opposite diirection when we first waited for our train, and it was so quiet, we didn't know it was there until it pulled up next to us! John and Alice have a lovely, lovely home on the grounds of The Korean Foreign School.  As always, Alice  has done a wonderful job of making the house a "home". The campus itself is difficult to explain. It sits on a hill overlooking the city, is gated, and serves over1500 students grades K through 12. It's located in an upscale part of the city so they have access to most anything western or Korean. Her refridgerator, looked like her fridge at home. After our arrival, we headed out to see the sights of Seoul and were able to tour the Gyeongbokgung Palace, The Folk Art Center, and have plum tea at a quaint little tea shop before going to Nanta -  a crazy theater performance where cabbages fly and everyone has a geat time. If you've seen Triple Esspresso - it's the Korean equivqlent. Afterwards we had supper and then fell into bed by 9:00.

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